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Learn what you can do with a degree from our Geography and Sustainability programs!

Bridging Natural and Social Science

The Department of Geography, GIS, and Sustainability (DoGGS or GGS)  includes the Geography and Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Environmental and Sustainability Studies programs.

Students in the Geography program study the environmental, cultural, political and economic processes that produce distinctive local, regional and global patterns across the Earth’s surface. Geography is one of the few academic disciplines that bridge the gap between the natural and social sciences. Geographers analyze how complex interactions among these spatial processes create constantly changing human and natural landscapes across the world.

Students interested in Environmental and Sustainability Studies will learn to understand and address the significant challenges facing a growing human community dependent on finite resources. Environmental and Sustainability Studies uses a dynamic approach that requires the study of multiple disciplines and perspectives to address human problems which require sophisticated understanding of interacting systems: natural, economic, historical, aesthetic, socio-cultural, spatial, and political.

Students can elect to major in in Environmental and Sustainability Studies or Geography with one of three emphasis areas: Geographic Information Sciences (GIS), Global and Area Studies, and Secondary Teaching. Minors are available in Geography, GIS, and Environmental Studies.

Announcements and News

HSS Faculty Attend White House Summit

Recently, Chelsie Romulo, Ph.D., along with Harmony Newman, Ph.D., chair of Gender Studies, were invited to the 2024 White House Summit on STEMM Equity and Excellence: Propelling Progress and Prosperity by 2050. The White House Office of Science and Technology and Policy and the STEMM Opportunity Alliance co-hosted the event to bring together leaders across multiple industries to discuss ways to increase diversity, equity and access to careers in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine).

Read more about their visit here

Romulo and Newman Stemm trip

Dr. Lee Recognized at ORSP Award Ceremony

Dr. Jieun Lee was recently recognized as the recipient of the 2024 Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) Mid-Career Investigator Award. This award recognizes a post-tenured faculty member who has demonstrated continued success in sponsored programs. 

ORSP Home Page

Jieun Lee

Students Recognized at 2024 Honors Convocation

Students from the Geography, GIS and Sustainability Department were recognized at the 2024 HSS Honors Convocation ceremony on February 13. 

These students were Miles Ross, Lauren Wong Dolloff, Slade Caltrider, Izabelle Frye, Pennie Nichol, Kennedy Dechant and Charlotte Roper. Congratulations!

honors convocation students for 2024

Faculty Recognized for Scholarly Excellence

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences recognized outstanding faculty at the 2024 All-College meeting on Tuesday, August 22. Dr. Chelsie Romulo recieved the 2024 Award for Excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom. Congratulations!

Chelsie Romulo

"Social Determinants of Health in Colorado" project receives grant

Jieun Lee and Ivan Ramirez (Instructor, University of Colorado) received a grant of $41,298 from Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab Funding for their project “Social Determinants of Health in Colorado:  Spatial Analysis of Housing Affordability, Health  Issues, and Health Care Accessibility.” Using statewide data at the census-tract level, this study will employ Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to investigate the spatial relationships between asthma prevalence, lead exposure, and mental health (defined as suicide mortality, alcohol consumption, and substance overdose) as compared to availability of affordable housing and medical/mental health care accessibility. This study will result in a series of maps that can assist the state and other governmental partners to more effectively implement affordable housing and health care accessibility strategies.

Learn more about the project

Geography student completed NASA DEVELOP internship

Jennifer Mehren worked with the Intermountain West Ecological Forecasting Team on developing predictive model to help locate potential locations for Lodgepole pine stands in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming in order to point to vulnerable stands in case of a future Mountain Bark Beetle infestation. Among other, more technical, deliverables her team produced a 3 minute video on their project and methods.

Watch the video

Geography, GIS & Sustainability Student Spotlight

Over 4,000 miles away, inside the Arctic Circle and under the northern lights, Pennie Nichol and Kennedy Dechant experienced the field trip of a lifetime.  

The Environmental Sustainability majors from the University of Northern Colorado’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences spent about a week, from Jan. 28– Feb. 6, in Tromsø, Norway. They were the only two Americans attending the Student Forum at Arctic Frontiers, an annual international conference that brings together scientists, businesses, policymakers and representatives of local and indigenous peoples for holistic discussions about the future of the Arctic region.  

smiling students

Into the Arctic

Professor Jimmy Dunn and a crew of five students headed north for summer research and discovery in the Canadian Arctic. 

"I don't think there's a more profound way to learn than to do something like this."

Read more about the Arctic Journey 

Careers in Geography, GIS & Sustainability

When you choose to pursue a career in Geography, GIS, or Sustainability, you'll have many options and opportunities for specialization and focus. Career paths include work in business, with community organizations, in GIS, government, natural science, planning, resource management, sustainability, teaching and transportation. Take a look at the type of work you'll be doing, and read about some of our alumni in the field. 

GEOGRAPHY & GIS CAREERS    Environmental & Sustainability Careers

Geography and GIS Career Options

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